Luka Stražar and Nejc Marčič made an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed northwest face on the 6,686-meter Nepalese peak in late October.
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Luka Stražar and Nejc Marčič made an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed northwest face on the 6,686-meter Nepalese peak in late October.
Patricia Kettle of Surrey, England is honoring her 80th birthday with a flight in an iFLY wind tunnel to raise money for the Christian nonprofit Mission Aviation Fellowship.
The avalanche on Chimborazo (20,549 feet) is the deadliest Ecuadorian climbing accident in nearly 30 years. We speak with local guides about the incident, the growing trend of unlicensed and illegal guides, and what this means for the local industry.
So far, the nonprofit initiative is supported by nine wind tunnels around Europe and plans to hold a competition in 2022.
Following the accident, the Australian rock gym has permanently removed all of its autobelay devices.
Charles Dubouloz and Benjamin Védrines completed the first ascent of In the Shadow of Lies (WI5+ M5+ 90° ED) on the Himalayan peak.
Skydiving photographer and wind tunnel coach Ewan Cowie is slated to perform his third jump over the iconic landmark October 24.
Mason Boos, 25, passed away on Sunday, October 10 after a fall caused by loose rock while scrambling third-class terrain.
A 20-member expedition team was caught in a massive avalanche on October 1. Four climbers are confirmed dead, with two others still missing.
A 31-year-old apparent free soloist took a fatal fall last Wednesday.
The film follows nonbinary climber Lor Sabourin projecting a hard trad route, but it’s much more than that. Review and Q&A with Sabourin below.
The rock gym, home to Peru’s national climbing team, is building a free bouldering gym for underprivileged youth.
Vaughn Fetzer (57), of Durango, died on Blanca Peak (14,345 ft) in the Sangre de Cristo Range, after a fall while descending.
The 25-year-old made the third ascent of Bibliographie (9b+/5.15c) in Céüse, France on September 30.
Brandon Scott Burns, 25, and Mark Anthony Bacolod Stiles, 35, both of Baltimore, Maryland passed away on September 14th after falls.
The Swiss alpinist finished his 10-year project August 15, soloing the North Face of the Petit Dru in one hour and 43 minutes.
Fuyuki Kono holds Guinness World Records for “Most front split spins in a wind tunnel in one minute (78)” and “Most 360° horizontal spins in a wind tunnel in one minute (60)”
The new Sugar Factory Las Vegas restaurant features candy-loaded drinks, massive dessert platters… and a gumdrop climbing wall?
The 60-year-old Frenchman has soloed more than 160 buildings in over 70 countries, often illegally, and is no stranger to controversy.